[306] The Sun Came Out Today


The sun can be suuuuuper deceiving. When I woke up today and saw the sun I automatically thought it would be warm. Not like, 70 degrees warm, but maybe at least 50 degrees. It wasn’t, and I was too lazy to check, so even though I wore a jacket, IT WASN’T ENOUGH TO KEEP ME WARM. I’m ’bouts to pull out my knee length down coat and wear it. Oh yeah.


– Stephanie


[299] Stank


2 things:


1. My new shoes stink so frickin’ bad. They smell like chemicals even after leaving them outside all weekend. I’d like for the stank to go away, like, right now.

2. Here’s what I had for dinner tonight: chips and dip appetizer, Reese’s mini peanut butter cups palette cleanser, homemade fat girl mac and cheese main course, pear hard cider beverage, and carrot cake dessert. You can call me Stephanie Rae Fatty Fatty No Friends, thanks.


– Stephanie


[285] Middle of the Week…end


Besides the whole work part of Wednesday, it kind of feels like a weekend to me. Tuesdays are such a long day for me so Wednesdays I like to just go home after work, clean the kitchen and put the massive pile of clothes on my floor away, turn on the fireplace, write my blog post, eat dinner, whatever it may be, with a glass of wine, catch up on my shows, and put a beauty mask on my face while I pin shit I’ll probably never have or ever do. I love it, and wouldn’t have it any other way.


– Stephanie
