[Dirty Laundry]


I’m about to air some dirty laundry that a lot of ladies like to hide. Even though I’m no longer single, I do still live alone and continue to participate in some habits that I would never, or at least not right now, want my boyfriend to witness. This list includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Not wearing pants until 2pm on the weekends.
  2. Surviving on virtually zero food in the refrigerator for two weeks.
  3. Sniffing dirty drinking glasses to see if they’re smelly, and if they aren’t, I use them.
  4. Using mud masks multiple times a week.
  5. Gorging on massive amounts of junk food and candy.
  6. Sometimes I don’t shower.
  7. Laying on the couch all day.
  8. Drinking an entire bottle of wine without any help.
  9. Doing squats in my living room.
  10. Farting, or as some people call it…”making a fluffy.”


I’m a lady so that last one never happens, but if it did happen in front of my boyfriend I’d simply be mortified. Oh the mysteries of females.


– S


[306] The Sun Came Out Today


The sun can be suuuuuper deceiving. When I woke up today and saw the sun I automatically thought it would be warm. Not like, 70 degrees warm, but maybe at least 50 degrees. It wasn’t, and I was too lazy to check, so even though I wore a jacket, IT WASN’T ENOUGH TO KEEP ME WARM. I’m ’bouts to pull out my knee length down coat and wear it. Oh yeah.


– Stephanie


[248] Fall is Here and Winter is Coming


That’s what she said.

Anyways, Fall is officially here in Seattle. Unfortunately, that means the rain is back. It was POURING this morning so naturally I shot an #instavid while I was getting ready for work. The rain brings a few things with it that include, but are not limited to:

1. Sweaters, like, everyday.

2. Boots, also, like, everyday.

3. Pumpkin and apple everything. So far I’ve only indulged in pumpkin lattes, and one apple crisp, but I’m fixin’ to start incorporating pumpkin and apple into more foods. And baking lots of pumpkin shit. I have a ridiculous arsenal built up.

4. Putting my iPod on random and hoping that it knows what kind of mood I’m in. (Today it did, and I was very grateful.) I guess this isn’t specific to Fall, but I hadn’t done it all Summer and I did today, so it made sense to relate it to Fall.

5. The way the air smells when it rains. It’s actually kind of a neutral smell, and the only reason I say that is because I can smell my laundry detergent on my clothes much easier than I was able to during the summer.

6. SO MUCH SOUP. Soup is a staple of my diet in the colder months and I actually started stocking up on recipes and already made soups months ago.

7. Blankets, fireplaces, and other warm things. I closed the windows over the weekend when it dropped below 60, but I refuse to turn the heat on yet. (Thanks for inadvertently turning me into a heat miser, dad.)

8. Cuddling. Whether it’s with someone else, or alone (although I’m not sure how possible it is to cuddle with yourself), being wrapped up in something or someone gets kicked up a notch in the fall.

9. Hot tea. Right now I’m drinking up the tail end of my fruitea collection so I’ll need to stock up on chai and apple spice like teas, stat.

10. Being lazy, and not feeling bad about it. Football season is in full swing and I refuse to feel bad about plopping my ass down on the couch to watch 9 hours of unadulterated fun. Except when my Giants and fantasy team get spanked so hard a handprint is left behind for days.

I’m sure there are more things I could add to this list, but ten is a nice round number, and we all know I’m a little OCD about shit like that.

– Stephanie


[229] I Won’t Tell No One Your Name


I feel weird about the title of this post combined with the picture I chose, which is the inside of a box, by the way. I doesn’t feel like it fits to me, but it is what it is, and it’s now 9:30 sooo I’m not changing it…plus I love that song. Despite my tone, I actually had a really good day: got a couple of compliments on my outfit, worked on a pretty cool project at work, and made some coconut rice to go with my vegan sausage (oxymoron…I know.)

The only reason I’m posting as late as I am is simply because I didn’t feel like getting up to get the cord to connect my phone to my computer.


– Stephanie


[113] It Is What It Is


Do you ever get excited for something and then it doesn’t happen and you’re super disappointed? Yeah, that happened today. Between last night and today, I’ve been catching up on Game of Thrones, and I’m addicted again, and also kind of upset that I’m all caught up now. Besides that, I painted my nails, and ate chocolate chex. After yesterday this week I just didn’t feel like doing a whole lot. Oops.


– Stephanie


[093] Sunday Birthday…Almost


Tomorrow is my uncle’s birthday, but we celebrated today. I spent more than the first half of the day in bed recuperating from last night. Got up out of bed a little after 1, showered, finished up some laundry, and went upstairs to “help” with making the cake and, in general, just socializing. All I actually did was decorate the cake with cute polka dots, but at least I helped with something, because otherwise I really didn’t do a whole lot of anything today. BUT, that’s the way Sundays should be, right?


– Stephanie


[015] Lazy Day


This title is slightly deceiving, because although I didn’t leave the house, or run errands or anything like that, I wasn’t really very lazy. I babysat for most of the day while my aunt and uncle moved from one rental to another. I remember babysitting as playing with the kids for an hour or two, putting them to bed, and leaving when their parents got home. Today was not that, but a blur of children’s songs, light up toys, giant Legos, books, blocks, naps, pillows, and dirty diapers. It’s just a little after 9pm here, and I can barely keep my eyes open. I’m so not cut out for this type of work.


– Stephanie


P.S. This picture is from yesterday when the sun came out, and I actually left the house.
