[306] The Sun Came Out Today


The sun can be suuuuuper deceiving. When I woke up today and saw the sun I automatically thought it would be warm. Not like, 70 degrees warm, but maybe at least 50 degrees. It wasn’t, and I was too lazy to check, so even though I wore a jacket, IT WASN’T ENOUGH TO KEEP ME WARM. I’m ’bouts to pull out my knee length down coat and wear it. Oh yeah.


– Stephanie


[257] It’s Actually Cold


I feel like such a sissy. When I moved here in January, in the dead of “winter”, I didn’t use my winter coat because it didn’t get below, like, 40, so I totally didn’t need it. Today, October 2nd, I decided that I’d take a scarf and light jacket with me to work. When I had to walk outside to get lunch, my bones felt cold. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?! I survived 20+ years of winters with subzero temperatures, wind, snow and ice, and now anything below 50 makes me freezing. I was so cold when I got home from my letterpress class last night that I turned on the fireplace, the heat, put my striped onesie on and cranked up both sides of my heated mattress pad. I feel like I’m losing my Central New York blood and it’s being traded for blood from a sissy bitch raised in the tropics. I swear I will never lose my ability to drive…

– Stephanie


[241] Currently Questioning Human Behavior


Something happened this weekend that I’m thoroughly baffled by.

I was supposed to go on a date Saturday. Everything was planned, the time and place figured out. The guy texted me late afternoon and said, “I want to be honest with you. There is a high probability that I’ll be moving to Montana in January and I’ll totally understand if you don’t want to start something with someone who could be leaving you in a couple of months.” Keep in mind, WE HADN’T EVEN MET YET. I wasn’t feeling it at that point anymore so I gave him some ditsy ass text filled with bullshit about not wanting to set myself up for failure. What I really would have loved to say was, “Thanks for giving me an out. You’ve been coming off as needy and desperate for the past week anyways and I don’t need that. Good luck with your search for love in Montana!” Sometimes I feel like guys are more confusing than girls…maybe.


– Stephanie


[063] Happy Hours


Today is Friday…thank goodness! This morning it snowed and I may have gone outside with just my winter coat and slippers on immediately after getting out of the shower. I got super excited to see the falling flakes. I guess I didn’t realize how much I missed the snow. I’ve been saying how much I like not having to deal with brushing my car off every morning.  By the time I got to work, it had turned into a mix of snow and rain but I didn’t hate seeing it this morning.

I went out with a friend after work for drinksies and food. Kind of the perfect way to end the week, and start the weekend!

– Stephanie
